Papi the Shih tzu lives with his bigger “sibling,” a German shepherd, and one night their play-fighting turned into a catastrophe when the shepherd bit Papi’s eye.
Shih tzus have shallow eye sockets to begin with, so Papi was in real trouble. His mom, Kimberly, rushed him to the nearest emergency clinic. Unfortunately she couldn’t come up with the required $2000 deposit immediately, so Papi was sent home with an e-collar, antibiotics and pain meds.
Kimberly contacted her regular veterinary hospital, but they were unable to schedule surgery right away. Because Papi needed immediate attention, they referred Kimberly to Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital in Indian Harbour Beach, FL.
Kimberly says “Aloha told us about VetBilling® and gave us better options for finances. It would’ve been nice to have better options the night of the incident but no other options were presented to us. Thanks to Aloha and VetBilling® Papi was able to get the enucleation procedure he needed and is as good as new today.”
Kimberly’s payment plan for Papi:
Total procedure cost: $1,439.02
Payments: 7 monthly at $208.57
Status: Paid in full on time
Treating veterinary hospital: Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital, Indian Harbour Beach, FL