My black brindle greyhound pit developed a huge mass on her right ear a couple weeks ago. We monitored it for about a week then I took her to the vet to get her checked out because it didn’t seem to be going down any but it didn’t appear to be getting any bigger but it was causing her a lot of pain. It turns out that mass was a hematoma which is where she may have been shaking her head hard enough to cause a capillary to bust open. The doctor said it normally requires surgery to repair the capillary and she appears to have a slight ear infection as well. With the surgery and doctor visits I’m looking at a total of $682.00 that right now my family doesn’t have to put out. We struggle financial daily due to the way our household income is. Having this option available rather than typical financing that requires a credit check, this option made it possible for Sapphire to get the care that she needs to get to feeling better. Thank you.
Sapphire: Mass on ear Success Story from: