Don’t Delay Your Pet’s Dental Cleaning Due to Cost

February is National Pet Dental Health Month.

Did you know that without regular dental care, your pet may end up suffering from a variety of serious dental diseases? These can cause bad breath, tooth loss, infections of the teeth and gums, and periodontal disease, all from the plaque and tartar buildup that would occur in people if we never brushed our teeth or saw the dentist. That’s why dental care for your pet is as important as your own.

7 year old Yoshi shows off his gorgeous pearly whites.

Unfortunately dental cleanings for pets can be expensive. The average cost of a dental cleaning for a dog or cat ranges between $300 and $700, which doesn’t include treatment for periodontal disease or tooth extractions. These extras can add several hundred dollars to your total bill, bringing your total cost into the neighborhood of $1000 or more.

Costs can vary significantly depending on where you live and the extent of dental disease in your pet. (Visit and do a search on “dental cleaning” for several real-life case examples and costs.)

Even though dental cleanings can be quite expensive, don’t say no to scheduling your pet’s dental cleaning just yet…!

With a Pay-in-Advance Plan from VetBilling®, available through participating veterinarians, you can better manage the cost of your pet’s dental treatment by making regular installment payments starting a few months before your pet’s appointment occurs, instead of paying the full cost all at once.

Pay-in-Advance Plans work exactly like a regular VetBilling® payment plan, except you’ll be making payments before the procedure occurs, instead of after.

How it Works:

1) Ask your vet to schedule your pet’s dental procedure 3 to 6 months in the future (unless there is an infection or other urgent condition that should be treated immediately. Your veterinarian will help you determine what’s best.)

2) Enroll in a VetBilling® Pay-in-Advance Plan through your vet and select the date you want your autodraft payments to begin.  For example: If you choose to have payments begin February 5th, additional payments will be withdrawn from your account on the 5th of each subsequent month. Your payments automatically stop once your payment plan has been satisfied.

3) Relax and don’t worry about a large bill! By the time of your pet’s dental appointment, you’ll have all or most of the procedure paid off.

Want to share a pic of your pet’s pearly whites with us? We’d LOVE to see them!

Send your pet photos to or share on Instagram – tag us @vetbilling and use the hashtags #mydogspearlywhites or #mycatspearlywhites.

Don’t forget to include your pet’s name, age, and breed!

To learn more about the importance of regular dental care and cleanings for your pet, visit the American Veterinary Medical Association website here.

If your veterinarian isn’t yet a VetBilling® partner, you can refer them by completing a form on our “Find a Vet” page.

Happy Pet Dental Health Month from the VetBilling® Team!